Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Home Comforts?

Hmmmmm, I am just finished the new Harry Potter book. I don’t know what to make of it. It must be good as I really want the next one and feel shocked after reading it. The books are getting more and more adult and I do not know how they will make this one into a kids film. There is a girl in work who I know has read it so I will talk to her about it tomorrow.

Oh and today was not a good day in work. Although the day itself started out well enough. I’ll start from the beginning. I got up at half nine and after breakfast and was then picked up and went for a swim in the quarry. This time we were completely alone and it was amazing, in the middle of a forest and it was really misty, highly enjoyable. I then came back home at around half twelve and thinking that I did not have work til half one I decided to watch an episode of Arrested Development. At around 10 past one the phone started ringing and I was suddenly filled with dread, I raced upstairs to check my timetable and to my horror I saw that I was supposed to be in work at half 12! I fucking sprinted down and just got in as my supervisor was ringing my boss at home to see did she know where I was. She was not at all pleased. I was pissed as well cuz it was my fault and I felt bad.

The problem with my supervisor on the coffee counter is this. She is completely bi-polar. She used to be a cocaine addict but kicked the habit a few years ago but now is completely unpredictable. Liam and Amanda may remember the barmaid in P&G’s. Now Kiai is completely like that but thankfully she is nice the majority of the time. I have gone to a few barbeques with her and myself and her have gone to the cinema a few times. Plus she offered to bring me to Portland on my days off. The problem is in work when I cannot begin to fathom which way the capricious winds of her humour will blow. She will either be completely sarcastic, condescending or plain ignorant. ON the other hand she could be charming, genuinely interested in what I am saying or really funny. These moods can switch in a heartbeat and it is beginning to put a downer when I am working the coffee counter. I end up just being very polite and neutral with her which I don’t enjoy. Perhaps the problem is that we are friends outside work and she does not know how to handle it. From my point of view I am not intimidated or threatened by her at all and perhaps a bit disrespectful, if she slags me I return the favour so maybe she is trying to be a real boss in work to compensate. Who can know the mind of a woman.

In other news I got a call from my mother last night. It turns out that next Friday my father, brother and uncle are flying into Boston and coming up to visit. Truth be told, and keep them hush, I am not too sure how I feel about this. I mean it will be great to see them and chances are they will be here for my birthday but they are putting me in an awkward position. I am not, and no offence to anyone, in the slightest bit home-sick here. I am enjoying myself immensely and rarely feel a longing for stuff like I did in New Paltz. I am really looking forward to going home in October but at the same time I am really looking forward to the next 10 weeks here. I am not crying out to see familiar faces is what I am trying to say. Plus I do not know what to do with them. My uncle is ill and in a wheel-chair and my brother is only 12 so entertainment is limited there. Getting time off work is also going to be very difficult, it will involve going to the afore-mentioned boss and asking a favour. Plus they are coming on a Friday and on the following Wednesday a Lobster Festival starts here and it is the busiest time of the entire year, eclipsing the Blues Festival exponentially. It will be good to see them but I forsee problems.


Anonymous said...

mmmm I completely understand. You make yourself a nice niche and to have zsomeone else no matter how much you love them come into that niche seems a bit off putting. Its like when you get you various sets of friends together and they are quite different and you end up feeling awkward if they dont get along. Its also your independent time. ahh so many reasons but you'll be fine!!

And YES i remember that stupid crack whoare!

Laina said...


i dunno how to properly spell that noise but i think it's of jewish origin and comes with a sense of exasperation about something.

dont feel pressured to get time off when im gonna be around boston to, i'm doin' it anyways so don't be saving days and such, ok?

Anonymous said...

i'd say you'll get over it paul.they're only comin over for a short while and i'm sure they can entertain themselves if you're working. you're just being selfish like, you'll barely be putting yourself out.
