How do, all my crew? You will all be glad to hear that most of my afflictions have gone down. Thanks to copious amounts of sleep and self-medicating the mosquito bites have faded and i have avoided getting any more. The reason my sunburn was so bad was that the skin was too cracked to put Aloe on it so i just left it and that made it worse but now that i am putting on Savlon cream and some herbal stuff it is healing very nicely and no longer stops me sleeping. Plus my sunburn as a whole has died down and i am now peeling, which means i have loads of skin to eat, Hurrah
I went to go see Fantastic Four yesterday as it was my day off. Noone else was around so i ended up cycling up on my own. I was pretty disappointed in it to tell the truth. Absolutely full of product placement, cheesy acting and it committed the biggest comic-book adaptation mistake of not remaining true to the comics. On the other hand i did see some good trailers before hand, Tim Burton's 'The Corpse Bride' looks promising and does 'The Island'. Another chop-socky action one that seems like it may entertain Steve is 'Transporter2', now admittedly the original Transporter was just a mediocore homo-erotic excuse for Jason Statham to take off his top as much as possible and writhe around in oil but this one seems pretty class. He fights a bit like Jackie Chan with lots of props and it seems pretty real, no invible ropes. I shall check in out come September.
I also went to a poetry reading down in the cafe (or The Read as we call it) last night. It was class. It was a Beat Night and everyone had to dress up in black and there were candy cigerettes passed around, people wore berets and when ever someone read you would click your fingers and go 'yaaahh'. It was a complete piss-take but it was pretty funny. We also had a trumpet player and a double bassist who were doing improv behind us. I went up and did one called 'Our Father' which was actually just the Our Father in Irish, i told them however that it was a olde heartwrenching poem about a mans connection to the land lost to the British and a family lost to the famine. Stupid americans. I only found out afterwards that it was being broadcast and was also streaming on the net so ye could have listened in. Ye may get a chance again in the future as one of my managers does a radio show every Monday and she said she may let me have her slot one week if i wanted. I am thinking of doing 2 hours of Irish music, ie Frames, Mundy Juliet Turner, Aslan, Damien Rice, Snow Patrol (they are irish yes?) Keane (again i am presuming they are irish), some Even Better than the Reel Thing, BellX1, The Thrills and maybe, maybe some U2. I am limited to what i have on my laptop you see, i dont actually have any Cranberries which is a pity. Closer to the date i will give ye the address and my probable playlist so ye can make suggestions, [that does not include steve as he is a musical cretin]
Okay so after the beat night myself and Suzanne went to the bar were we had a little talk. You see my 'work-related dilemma' was that for the last month i have been 'seeing' my manager in work, who for now one will be called The Madam. Now we have been keeping it on the sly as we were not sure how Suzanne and our other supervisors would react. The chain of command is me, the The Madam in charge of the books, the Yvonne the manager of the cafe as a whole then Suzanne who owned the Cafe and the bookshop and the coffee roasters. I did not like lying to Suzanne however and since she is an intelligent woman i think she was getting suspicious about the amount of time i spent 'watching videos' over in The Madams so i brought her to the pub, got her a few whiskys and then told her. She was thankfully alright with it which is a great relief, The Madam had told me that they usually make a point of not hiring people going out as it complicates things but i think we have been very well behaved in work and noone knows bar one girl who saw a mark on my neck and has been giving me slack about it since. I killed her last week.
Oh and one more thing, i was walking down town the other day and in many shop windows there are these professional pictures of individual kids with a sign saying 'Rick, a celebration of adoption'. Now i thought, "how nice, this must be kids who have just got homes". How wrong i was, it turns out that these kids are
looking for homes! Yes its kind of like Have a look at these orphens and if you see a cute one you can bring it home. Yes buying children is still alive and well in the States.
edit: i just finished the entire 1st season of Arrested Development, it was fucking class. Cant wait for Season 2