Alright the title has nothing whatsoever to do with this post. Which is not really much of a post at all really. I was just reading in the newspaper about Hurrican Katherine (i dont really need to read about it, I just look out the window, we are getting the shit-end of it). But anyway appearantly it is going to hit New Orleans. At first i did not pay attention but then i realized that they is a mandatory evacuation of the city. Every single one of the cities 400,000 thousands citizens have to leave and the place will be completely abandoned except by 10,00 people, mostly tourists that are all staying in a superbowl stadium. It like something out of a movie. Appearantly this is the worst storm to hit the area in 100 years and since most of New Orleans is old and 10foot under sea level they are expecting a lot of it to be completely destroyed. Will be interesting to see what happens.
a rant indeed, but since when is china one of the worlds superpowers a third world country?
is new orleans anywhere near you paul? i couldnt be arsed checkin a map. does that mean you're being evacuated or people are beung evacuated into your area?
oh yeah and americans deserve to have their houses destroyed for building them out of wood
ya china isn't classed as a third world country, but there's still plenty of them living under a buck a day......if you live in a mud hut, and marry your cousins then you live in a third world country.....actually that sounds a bit like scarriff
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