Sunday, August 07, 2005

While i like buying shoes, i hate wearing them

Hey all. Hope ye are well. I am writing this in bed and I am well exhausted. Today was the final day of the Lobster Festival over here and there was a parade down Main St. I was in work at eight and there was a 15man-queue for 2 hours straight. It was crazy. Twas relatively enjoyable though, except when Bi-Polar Betty was around. I swear that woman can pour viscous scorn on the most reasonable of questions and inject venomous sarcasm into the shortest of replies. I nearly took her aside and told her to lose the attitude or I would complain her, manager bedamned. The only thing stopping me was knowing from a secret source that she was suffering from bad cramps. Sometimes my magnetic knowledge for women’s menstrual cycles can come in handy. She finished at 1 though so it was alright after that. I pretty much know the menu inside out now and can bluff my way through selling the 25 different types of coffee and the 50 types of tea we stock.

Afterwards I went with the Madam down to the quarry with our new inflatable lie-lows and lazed around there for a while. That was absolutely gorgeous as the weather is still brilliant and we had the place to ourselves, cue 40 minutes of aimless floating around sunning ourselves, idyllic I tell you. I was still completely drained and brain-dead after that so I went back home and had some dinner and then opened a bottle of wine with Suzanne and just chillaxed. I am just after having a shower and will be off to sleep in but a moment.

Now to less trivial matters. Amanda I got your letter and present, thanks a million babe I am wearing it as we speak, just it actually, you know how I sleep J. And I got your email Steve and will write back tomorrow or the next, I am not off work till Thursday. Jen I hope you are feeling better and I will write you later this week. A few people have asked and my number over here is 01-207-594-54-tri-ceathrar. Amanda you already have it. After seeing the crazy people writing to Liam and Rob’s blog I don’t want to narrow it to just crazy Irish people possibly ringing me. My address is 55 Masonic Street, Rockland, Maine, 04841, USA. With that I will sigh off, I am exhausted, full of food and wine and fresh form the shower. My next entry will have less mundane descriptions and more substance I swear.


Zeta said...

PAULY!! I tried in earnest to call you yesterday - but I kept on getting an answering machine!! And I was excited too - so dispondent I was.

Zeta said...

Oh Pauly, me and Danni had a moment for you last night....there were tears and then we discussed your supposed asexaulity and decided that we would never speak to you again -