I am having a problem in class these days with asking questions, not only that i don't ask them but also with the fact that other people do. Like i mentioned before, we all get on in the class but there is a bit of a competitive element. I can go a whole class however, and not feel the need to ask any question or make any contribution, and in my class that makes me the odd-one-out. I just don't feel the need. The whole making contribution thing is over-rated as well. There are one or two guys, and one girl, who are constantly talking away; in fact last friday we only got half-way through the lecturers power-point show as we started having a huge big discussion. The thing was though that I did not feel that the discussion really added anything, it was interesting but really just opinion and blathering from the class. Was talking to one of the girls afterwards and she felt the same, perhaps its what we have to live with being in a class that is completely full of mature Students.
Ya these 'people' are everywhere. You know they never seem to do as well as how smart they sound. I think this is because by time the lecturer gets to marking their papers he's so pissed off at their constant yabbering he gives them C1s
You're on course for a solid A. In the words of Gwen Stefani 'Don't speak'
i dunno. like if you take it that everyone will have done the reading required for the lecture then listening to the lecturer regurgitate that is a bit redundant.classroom discussion might actually be informative especially if some people have practical experience in the likes of darfur or something.
that said there is nothing in the world as annoying as people who make shit up as they go along. that really pisses me off, especially when it comes to law. like people who say "i think that the law on this point is this" and then proceed to give a long talk about some arcane point of law that they think is interesting when in fact they are completely ignoring recent authority that conclusively settles the issue that they just didn't bother reading. muppets.
Its always fun being the next person to speak after them and casually mention that their point is completely moot because of the reading then, shuts them up pretty quickly. With regards to my class I was talking to one girl who feels the same and her viewpoint was that she is after paying 5 grand to do this course and not to listen to other peoples opinions. We have done the reading and then the class is for analysis and most often-than-not the lecturer is the one who can provide that. Discussions are all well and good but not when they are unstructured blab-fests
bring it up with the lecturers that some of the class feel that it would be more constructive to listen to their sweet voice.
they love that crap!
and then go down on them. it's like one two uniflu only better cos it involves oral sex.
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