Roysh, so i have just got the chance to update after my few days in Boston. I have a spiffing good time with Mrs Lainadoodle. I was only in the city for 24 hours but fu times were had. We stayed in the same hostel that the New Paltz group stayed in last year and that was kindof weird. The whole being in Boston again was kind of odd, i kept imagining Amanda or James to run out. Laina was actually staying in the room Rachel was supposed to be in last year.
So i went and did a wee bit of shopping which was helped by it pissing rain, we saw the Famine sculpture again but did not mock it this time. I actually went and spent a bit of money which was nice but a lot of the stuff over here is ver 'American' (obviously) and i nae like it. I went into a few stores that while they looked grand turned out that i was either a few shades too Caucasian or poverty-stricken to feel comfortable. We went down to Crossroads, the local irish bar to get something to eat and drink a wee bit. I had my first Magners of the summer, twas lovely. We then had a pitcher or two and some of the house beer in big glasses. Laina stole some stuff for me. Appearantly they are having a big celebration in all the irish pubs in the city in October called 'Halfway to St Patricks Day Day' which is a very good idea.
Now as i mentioned in my previous post we got a nite-club called Julliet's reccommended to us but unfortunately we could not find it so we went into this big one with a queue in frint of it that seemed popular, plus there was no cover. It was only inside that we realised that while it may not be an actual gay-bar it was very...very gay friendly. Still the music was alright and we had a few drinks there. It was my first time in a gay bar and while i dont consider myself homo-phobic in the least it was a little jarring to see so many same-sex couples dancing away. Now New Paltz and Maine is choc full of lesbiens but that was actually the first time i had ever seen two guys kiss, poor innocent irish guy that i am.
The next morning we got up resonably early at nine and while i checked out we settled on going to the Science Museum. That was a good laugh even though unfortunately there was no Lord of the Rings Exhibition there. The first place we looked at was all these optical illusions that in my state at least meade me feel very quesy. There was also a butterfly garden there that had huge flapping things in it, the terrified look on Laina's face made it worthwhile. Lots of other cool stuff, i bought a venus-fly-trap which will be cool. We left it too late when we were leaving though and i very nearly missed my bus home which would have sucked major ass, luckily the taxi-driver was hanging for a piss so he was in as much of a hurry to get to the station as i was.
Now hows that for an update. Today was my last day working in the book section at work and it shall be relatively dearly missed. I only have 5 or 6 working days left and i still have to organise my trip to New York. I was going to do it this evening but i started watching Kung-fu movies + Manga + X-Men2 so i got kind-of sidetracked. I was reading the Irish Independant as well today and heard about the vandels at Thomand Park. Appearantly they left a note saying "fuck the guards, fuck the system, signed scumbags" Now that note tells me they were either very socially aware knackers or what i think more likely is that they are the middle-class scowbs of Caherdavin, i know the type........