Thursday, June 30, 2005

Take the good with the bad

Well i have not updated properly now in a few days and i suppose i do have a few wee tidbits to entertain the masses. On Sunday myself. Suzanne and another of the managers went to a book sale inland a bit. First let me say that it was absolutely scorching and there is a huge difference over here in temperature and humidity once you move away from the coast, it was over 30 degrees at ten in the morning. Anyway the sale was a good laugh, all us trade buyers arrived early to get all the good stuff and we managed to get in first, i was just given two huge bags and told to find the sci-fi/fantasy section and pick out any and all books i though would be good, happy as a priest in a creche i was. Needless to say when i got back from that i was mighty tired and hot so Suzanne told me of a big lake a mile or two down the road. I ccled down and had the most refreshing swim. All in all a pretty nice day.

I have also received my social security number so i am no longer an illegal worker. I have been going in and doing work i 2nd Read (the bookstore) but i am not an employee or on any books. While this is only a technicality and i am still keeping a record of my hours and stuff i sometimes get the feeling that not much is expected off me. Perhaps it is because i came the whole way from Ireland and i am staying with and also friends with the boss but i am not being given a lot of work to do. Suzanne owns the company but she is usually working in her office or in another of the cafes across town so i in the day-to-day scheme of things i have two other managers, one for the cafe and one for the books. While everyone else works full hours i am only ever scheduled for six hours a day, i usually make a point of staying for the full eight cuz there is always some books to be shelved or priced but they do not seem to realise that i am here for the summer to work and get money. I would love to only work six hours a day but even as it stands i am getting paid a little less than irish minimum wage so i would like the hours. Besides i dont know anyone here outside work so it is my social scene as well.

Although things are looking up on that side of things. I went to a barbeque on Monday night up the coast a bit. It was a good laugh and the place where the house was was really class, it looked out on a meadow running down to the sea and when it got dark there was thousands of fire flies everywhere. twas like phosperescence except you stayed dry. There is one of the girls friends playing in the cafe on Friday night and he is supposed to be pretty good so i will go along to that and we will probably go out after although to where i do not know.

Not everything has been rosy however, i have developed strange red bumps on my feet, arms and shoulders. At first i thought they might be mosquito bites cuz they are everywhere around here and i am itching like crazy. But i have been getting tons of them and i have not been outside that often so i thought maybe i was allergic to something and that they were hives but today Suzanne said they might be spider bites. Yes thats right, every arachniphobes nightmare, i may be being bitten by spiders while i sleep. Anyway i have cleared out my entire room and washed all my clothes and sheets and am taking Benadril, which is a little pink anti-histamine pill. Its fucking weird, i only take them at night cuz they make you pure drowsy and i usually fall asleep straight after taking them. It means i go crazy at work in the mornings however and every half an hour i run to the bathrooms to slather myself in anti-histamine cream.

In between these bouts of orgasmic scratching (why does something so bad feel so good?) i have been working away like a little beaver, just the other day i was talking to a customer who was from just outside Poughkeepsie and went drinking in Snuggs and McGillies a lot which was class. The baker or cook of confectioniare (whatever you call people who make cookies, pastries and cakes) in the cafe does the best fucking fudge-brownies i have ever tasted. I have to try so hard to just limit myself to three a week, and with my employee discount they only cost me 90 cent. So delicious..........


Anonymous said...

scratching.your elbows?by any chance?

Zeta said...

You're delicious