There have been a whole lot of things pissing me off lately and they are all someway serious and nearly all have to do with money.
1)Having to work up my hours before i leave work.
I am 42 hours down on the clock but my days off for Jury duty have not been taken away yet but even when they do i will still be down. I got a message there saying that i need a letter from the courts for the days i was missing, that is grand for Wednesday and Thursday but since i just took Friday off i cannot get a note for that. So i will still be down 20 hours which may be taken out of my pay-check. This extra time is a mixture of several things. For the three weeks before my Jury duty there was no work and i mean i was bored senseless and so came in late and left early. that built up a few negative marks but when there was no need to be here i saw no need to stay. My hours have also been in the negative since March so i think there may be a few cock-ups on there part, between going away to Vienna, having to go home to check my marks, sick days, i have lost count of what should be right. Sometimes it takes a day for changes to go through while sometimes it is a week or two. Also i thingk there have been several times when I may have been entitled to half days or a few hours because of conferences or such that i did not claim. I have just found out that i am entitles to another 3/4s of a days holidays so i will claim that one for the Friday but it will still look shady on the claims page.
2) Getting rid of my house
This is another thing that sux. We have been relying on students from the university that are taking over our jobs to take over our house when we finish. I can think of no logical reason for them not to. The house is really close to all the departments they will work in, it is a really really nice house and although the rent is pretty high by UL standards it is normal for up here. Anyway a few of them texted us when we told them about the house and one of them even came up to look at the place. He then called and said that he has found somewhere else and we have heard nothing back from the rest of them. I know it was a bit presumtious of us but i am very surprised to be honest. I wonder are they just being lazy student bums or am i just being a bit too demanding. Anyway we got onto our estate agent and she said that if we dont get anyone to take the place by next friday we will lose 42% of our deposit (200 euros) and another 30 per week until the place is filled. While this is better than using the entire deposit it is still money that is completely wasted. I have put the house up on to try and get rid of it but my supervisor said i would be very lucky if we managed to get rid of it. more money down the drain.
3) i also have to organise my shit for the States. Tis includes having to book plane tickets which means i have to ask my parents for money which i really hate doing and we also have to organise a visa with the Embassy. They are already making this complicated by saying we have to ring them (on a 1580 number, 1.90 euros a minute) to book an appointment and we also have stuff to organise and get together and all that shit.
4) One thing i cant do anything about is that the Chernobyl child we have taken every year for the past eight years is having visa problems this year. He was supposed ot come in May on a student Visa that would have allowed him to study English and work here for the summer but for no appearant reason his Visa was refused. Apparently the Department of Justice did not bother to check his history and see that he has been given a visa every summer and several Christmas in the last ten years and there has never been a problem. He finally got in with the group on 10 year olds that come to my village every year and we had the Visa appeal waiting. Yesterday the Department of Justice got back to my mother and said that the appeal had gone through and he was to be given the student visa. He did not need this at this stage as he was too late for the English classes and to start his job but there is a question on a VISA form saying 'have you ever been refused a visa' if you did then it is very difficult to get another one. To cut a long story short he was deemed eligable for a visa yesterday but when they found out that he was in the contry they rang back and told my mother that there was no way he could be given a VISA now and it was refused again. he is now in the country illegally and my mother is in a terrible state as she does not know what is happening to him now. As he is 17 he can no longer be called a 'chernobyle child' and so his future visits may be put in jepoerdy and this is really upsetting my mother. like i said there is just mounds and mounds of beurocracy and faceless people and uncontactable departments that all can decide on a whim whether or not to give him the visa so it is very hard to do anything about it. it sux
5)another thing that is completly my fault but that still sux is that technially i owe the department 180 euros. They give you a certain amount of money when you go abroad as a kind of living expence but the conference in vienna was cut short and so they wanted some of it back. this was back in march and i was hoping they would just forget about it. they have not said anything about it but they will probably take it out of my pay next week. I also have to try and find out about getting my tax back which is not really a bad thing as it is around 2 grand and also some tax allowence thich is around 245 euros which will cancel out the dept i owe the department.
*EDIT* 6) Thank you Liam for reminding me....faggot. I am also trying to organise my 21st birthday party.. i am trying to find out the rough amount of people that are coming so to be able to tell the bar staff how much food we need. I have a big list that started at 84 but now it is down to 77. hmmmmmm
This is all icky and requires me to do stuff, someting i am not fond of. It is one of the reasons why i cancelled my last month of work up here and am moving home. before i head off to the states i will be living at home, working in a no tax under-the-table pay job and going on easy to organise holidays with my family and friends, so there will be little hassle. i cannot wait to go
30B430: Make and bury a time capsule
10 years ago