Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Do you ever feel like their is just not enough time in the world

So was reading the paper over here today, no offense Amanda but the papers over here are shite, they make the Irish Independent look like a first-class publication. Anyhow there were some good articles in it that they had lifted from other papers around the world about the U.S. and Terrorism, global warming and some Kiwi stuff. Afterwards though i just started thinking that there is so much stuff that i want to know about but learning about it will just take too long. I would love to be able to fully understand the theories for and against global warming and also those about Intelligent Design and Evolution cuz i think that most of the time people are just bullshitting when they try to argue them.

History is another big thing i want ot know about, how are you supposed to argue something when you do not know the full back-story, the Arab-Israeli thing is a case in point. I also have to admit that my grasp of Irish History is pretty woeful, i have no idea of the Chronology of the Civil War/Fight for Independence and the antics in the North are a complete mystery to me. Its a bit embarrassing when you are asked about things like that ove here or meet a foreigner who knows more about it than you.

On a completely different topic, expect to see less spelling mistakes, turns out this thing has a very easy to use spell-checker.

Also, congratulations to conal on finishing his exams.


Anonymous said...

the independent itself isn't too bad. it's the sindo that is truly cack. truly, truly cack. although i read it yesterday (in my grandmothers) and there was nothing about how great bertie is, katy french, brendan oconnor/eoghan harris on the IRA, lisa murphy or michael flatley or some completely gratuitous picture of an attractive busty female journalist over an article that basically amounts to sociological porn, like middle class drug abuse or prostitution. and it was so fucking dull. it's the paper i really do love to hate.

did you read the god delusion? i thought dawkins made an insightful criticism of the intelligent design crowd. basically they paint evolution as being down to chance and luck, whereas dawkins says it's anything but. i thought it made a lot of sense.

as for the rest of it, remember junior cert business and opportunity cost? like if you do one thing you can't do another. and there you are in new zealand. so there you go.

and thanks for the well wishing. i feel so honoured

Anonymous said...

funny how u told us to expect less spelling mistakes and then i see one in the title of the blog.."their"... "there"?oh paulie.. A1 in english my bum!!