Sunday, August 19, 2007


Today i saw

Amon Hen (the forest and the actual peak)
Ithilien (where the oliphants were)
the Misty Mountains

running around giggling like a school-girl was th order of the day


Anonymous said...

for the first time since i started reading your NZ blogs paul, i really am so jealous i think i could cry. having read your blog i now want to, for a start, go back and read all the LOTR books (and appendices, naturally). then i want to go take a look at the silmarillion again. then maybe the hobbit, just to get a sense of the misty mountains (which it turns out were raised by morgoth, thank you wikipedia). then i might take on the tale of hurin. all the while i want to be referencing the maps and stuff. it's true for you, the way he writes is like poetry. it's not even poetry because of the language he uses, its the rich tapestry of lives and histories he weaves that seems to bypass literature and head straight for myth. its a poetry of conflict and nobility. it's like he knew middle earth so well that even if something was not described in detail, it's possible to know it intimately because of the richness of the layers of history, myth and folklore it springs from. there's just so much to it that it can be hard to remember the weight of history that informs every sentence in the sagas. like, how crucial was gondolin? and or the kinslaying of the teleri by the noldor in valinor? at they barely get a mention in the LOTR. and there you are looking at all these places (i know it's only what peter jackson interpreted those places as looking like but that's easily good enough for me).

good god, i'm reading way too much law. i'm getting properly nostalgic for real books.

Anonymous said...

I'm not gonna attempt to be as deep as Conal there, firstly coz i don't have time to write that much, and put so much work into constructing my sentences, and secondly coz Conal is just better than everyone else, so it's pointless even competing with the demigod that he is.

So Paul, in a far less sophisticated tone, it sounds fuckin amazing. I too am jealous of you, and would simply love to see all that shit, and frolic like a sexually repressed school girl.
I might even force myself to check out your bebo page just to see your photos of all these wonderous places. Good to hear that job is toughening you up, i hope you've cultivated a mans hair cut at this stage?!

As for the Shannon Heathrow debacle, I must fly in the face of what i'm sure is Phyllis's hard line leftist view of the situation, and say simply that business is business! As one senior heathrow official said, shannon is acting like a spoilt child who has had too many privileges for too long......... tough shit says where ever did i put my monocle.