Sunday, March 04, 2007

Slightly inebriated musings

So, long time no post ehh. I have went to post so many times but the sheer enormatity of writing an entire mini-article just dissuaded me. I dont like small posts, they seem like cop-outs. Although saying that i have a feeling this one will be particularly short, i am nae in the mood for a long one (i suppose several short ones are better than what some people do, i.e. not post for nearly an entire year, this category are usually described as the type that wouls own a sports car).

Just writting this from the floor of Eoin's room, it does be is birthday tomorrow and we are having a few drinks, by that i mean that the lads are in the kitchen playing poker and drinking and since such infantilwe things bore me i am watching a DVD while having the occasion brew, hmmm brew. Since i am drinking relatively slowly i am in abetter state to write i suppose. Have you ever noticed that after a certain amount of drinks you suddenly start thinking diffeently than usual. After two or three drinks i get incredibly itchy fists and get the overwhelming urge to punch or fight something, since i have never gotten into a fight in my life i think that i have pretty good control over this but all the same i am just waiting to bw jumped when in that condition, although i am full aware that i have far less balance and shit as i would while completely sober, a pint or two later i start thinking like i presume stoners do, get very pensive and philosophical so i do. Thats the state i like being in though, any more than that in short succession and i just feel sick.

Anyhow, i could start writting about work and life in general but i could not be bothered at the minute. Am experiencing my first free saturday in almost two months so want to make something of it. Dunno how that one will go.


Anonymous said...

how are you?do you miss me at all?
your wife

Zeta said...

i just visited my blog for the first time in ages, it made me most nostalgic

alpha said...

this bloggingness is all the rage eh?see this drinking analysis is kinda the reason im off the drink for now,the only thing it does for me is make me funnier which is always handy but then again i get slower too, it's tough to get the balance so im giving the lack of it a go for a while