Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wise men are born Fools

Oh, at last, a post from Paul. Believe me I have nearly written one a few times bot apathy has always gotten the best of me, more on that later. So i am just home from what was possibly the most disasterous night ever in Dolans. The night seemed to be going so well when i was asked to man one of the smaller bars in the Warehouse where all the gigs were. I would be in there completely on my own so i was a bit nervous but got the place set up without a problem. SO my first customer orders a drink and after i have poured it i ring it into the register to get the total, as i turn to get the money off him i hear a huge CRASH!!!, CRACK!!!, SNAP!!!, SMASH SMASH SMASH!!!!!. I jump a mile and turn around to see that when the till opened it overbalanced and fell of the counter. The money section had spilt open ad coins and notes were everywhere, the actual register had hit the ground, started beeping manically and broke in two, the wires connecting it to the wall had been pulled out of the wall and snapped and since they were running along the wall had thrown all the glasses and bottles that were in front of them also onto the floor. Needless to say the place was completely destroyed. Long story short, i called my manager straight away, the cash register was fucked and we had to close the bar. Good one Paul.
The rest of the night did not go much better, i tried switching a bottle that i thought was empty but turns out was not, spilling the Baily's all over me and the floor, i was completely incapable of pulling a pint of Smithwicks and i also spilt an entire full spill-tray on the floor, all while being watched by my manager. POO. The night could not end quick enough as i got a stress headache at around 11 and it did not go til we finished at 3. I fully intend just crashing in bed in a few minutes and trying to forget about it all. The annoying thing about being asked to look after the bar on my own was that it was obviously a test. The venue was pretty quiet with an older crowd and earlier in the night my manager had been asking me how i was getting on and if i was feeling confident behind the bar. GUess i failed that one. I am back in there tomorrow night and hopefully that one will go better.

So why the long wait between posts i hear you all eagerly ask. Well to be honest blogging is not the only thing i have been neglecting. For the last few weeks i have been pretty much useless. I am not getting back into my usual sleeping pattern during the week, it is unavoidably fucked up by working in a bar during Friday and Saturday, and so i have been going to bed around 3 or four every night and getting up at one or two. I have not managed to accomplise anything during my waking hours either; i spend them just sitting around watching Tv or surfing the net. I would not usually mind but i actually do have things i could be doing, i have emails to send, blogs to write, work to go to, i struggle to even motivate myself to wash my clothes or myself. I have not been going to Capoeira or kick-boxing or even the gym. All in all i am a lazy bum. I would not be too unhappy if i was wastingmy money on drink and nights out or socialising but i am not even doing that. I rarely see the anyone other than my housemates, mostly because i could not be bothered renting a game or DVD or going to the cinema. Blah

The whole socialising thing is actually going to be quite difficult for the forseeable future. Working weekends is not that much actual bother when everyone is in college, if you dont go out during the weekend you can just go on any other day of the week, week-nights included. These days however more and more people are either working or studying during the week and so the weekends are their only free days but the equivelent of the start of my working week. Sux to be honest.

Dont want anyone to be thinking i am getting depressed however, that wojuld require too much energy. I dont have the motivation to be annoyed about it but still i wish it could be different, even if i do not know how that is possibe. I realised that at the minute i have achieved something i was wishing for all through college. I have no responsibilites, noone relying on me and noone to answer to at the minute. Its kind of like Maine all over again. I can just work 8 hours in ISI and even quit Dolans if i wanted and nobody would have any right to say anything to me. My days are filled with the option of only doing what i want to do. If only i wanted to do something a bit more productive.


Laina said...

Working weekends really is a curse that way; I'm one of the other lot on Monday to Friday, and people who work weekends, specially in other counties, are effectively impossible to see :(

Sounds like you're stuck in a rut.

Anonymous said...

oh paulie that sounds desperate!but sure it wasn´t ur fault the till fell out, that place is falling apart anyway.did niall ever go back? annemar

Unknown said...

UL has a blog!!! this is weird!

Anonymous said...

ok this is in response to some other thing you wrote... but couldn't post it as my password isn't being recognised GRRRRRRRRRRR

everything just goes "wooopa" after you seperate and flies up ihhnto the air and gets muddled up until you can float back down again into your new position and then reconnect yourselves again in a different way....I'm not sure if that makes sense without all my arm actions to go with it but I definatly know what you mean as my friends and I did it after school (we all went to different unis) and now are just doing it again as we all finish uni and start up new directions in life. It's really difficult also to see your old associates that already have direction and know somewhat what they're doing when you yourself and still feeling around in the dark. It's a very disorientating and sad feeling. For me it usually takes alot of time to get over these bouts of nostalgia and you kind of have to feel it for a while and let it be because thats the way it is. Change - gotta love it huh!