Wednesday, October 11, 2006

First Post as Paul Sheehan B.A politics major, Yah

So this blogging malarkey ehh, well I will not bother to giving a detailed recap on what has happened since I last blogged, I graduated and have pictures up on my bebo. For those that don’t have a bebo coughcoughconalcough…ahem if you are really desperate then you can look them up on someone elses, although I thought I showed them to you already. Anyway, I notice that everyone has been kind of lax in the whole blogging thing but since we are not actually all in conal anymore and don’t get to see each other as much I do think that we should try and do it a wee bit more, even if it is only a small thing like Pa’s succinct thoughts or Joan’s long-winded whiny feminist rants.

So as many of ye know I started working in Dolans around 3 or 4 weeks ago, for Amanda, Dolans is a big pub/gig/traditional music venue in town. Last week I started pulling pints which while nerve-wracking is a good thing as I get paid a little bit more, I think. For the first while I was just collecting glasses and stocking the bars and getting the place ready before gigs and cleaning up after. The whole while I was doing it I noticed that people were treating me different, I was ‘the cleaner guy’. My first night was an Aslan concert and the place was filled with Scobs and while I was collecting glasses this young fella goes to me ‘keep it up bud, everywhere need people like you’, and another night one of the new bar-men gave out to me for mixing up the Heinekin and Guinnes pint glasses, I just stared at him til he apologised, luckily he was fired the next week cuz it turns out noone else liked him either, which was nice. I actually remembered him from school and he was an idiot there as well. He is a bit younger than me and Conal said it is kind of sad that he is still seen as a twat this much time later but the way i see it he has had 15 years to learn so its not all sociaties fault. I dont see my job as degrading or lowly in the slightest though, so i mop up after people when they spill their drinks or collect their glasses when they are finished their drinks, but some of the looks i get given are weird and if i am working and meet someone in kind-of knew from school a lot of the time they get embarressed if i serve or clean up after them. People are odd.

I am also doing a swim teachers course so i will be qualified to teach lessons when i am finished. Its hard going at the minute as i have been working Friday nights, doing the course all day Saturday then working from 6 til 3 on Saturday night. I have been like a zombie, but the people in work are all sound so it has not been too bad.At this stage i will have bar experience, a swim teacher qualification and hopefully a pool lifeguard certification. Hmmm hopefully it will be enough. I really have to start saving my money though, its getting rediculous at this stage. I am delibrately telling people that i am leaving in January so there will be plenty of pressure on me to actually go or else i will constantly be having to explain to people why i am such a waster. I am still trying to decide my route and all that, some day soon i will sort all that out.

So post college living has been a bit weird to tell the truth. Last week i started doing kick-boxing and in the class of around 100 i knew nobody there bar steve, it was like feeling like a stranger in my own home. Since i am still living out here beside the college and working with students in ISI and living with Eoin, Eoin and Mary i am not completely out of touch but i could not imagine what is must belike for you Pa or Liam who are completley removed from it at this stage. In a lot of ways though i am quite relieved that it is overwith, my evening are my own now and i have no projects, reading or assignments hanging over me. Plus for most of the week i can get up as late as i want except of course for saturday which i so busy i cant actually remember them. On the other hand though it is weird not having such a wide circle of friends around, while i may not have spent all that much time with people in my course i would have met and spoke with a much arger amount of people every day than i do now. At the moment is is limited to people in my house, people form home and people in work. A usual amount for most people but i am used to seeing and knowing much more people in the run of the day.

Alright so a bit of a disjointed post there, i am updating my Bebo page while i write it. I want everyone getting on the posting bandwagon again, Pa has his new job and shit, Amanda is in another country, conal is getting ready for Sudan, Joan is studying again, Liam is living post ISI and steve is back to college so give us all a recap at least.


Paul Sheehan said...

grrr, god damn new blogger-beta cancelling my comment. Rest assured, it would have been a severe burn on you. Instead i should put it onto my next post, and everyone will see it. BLOG!!!!

Laina said...

hahaha, poor conal, i wondered when everyone was in him anyway.
Spoke to another paul sheehan (presumably not BA) on the phone at work today and it reminded me that he was a bit crap and you're not and then I blogged. Happy?