Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I will not fear, fear is the mind-killer that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear.

So things have been much better here over the last week or two. I should really blog more so i dont have lots of stuff to say when i do. Went snowboarding for the first time yesterday. That was a whole lot of fun, did not fall over that much and am not that sore, the gym must have paid off. The actual sloped themselves were not that good, much smaller than the ones we went to in Italy and much more crowded. Still the season is only starting and more runs will open as it snows more. It has actually rained over the last 4 days and that actaully closed one of the snow resorts cuz all the snow melted. It gets pretty miserable as a lot of other stuff cleses as well.

Anna, her friend kate, and her brother Rob arrived last Tuesday and we have been out and about a bit since they arrived. the girls took snowboarding classes while i went up the slopes. We will be going back again tomorrow for a while, might try and jump on a few of the rails around.

So i have moved to another hostel for a week as i has stayed the maximum two weeks in the other one. The one i amin right now is the absolute pits. I mean it is dank, constantly smells damp and has carpets on the walls. Still its cheap and i dont spend much time in it, plus its only 19 dolars a night. Anyhow so this morning as around 12 i get a call from Anna who is at the other hostel, god bless the Black Sheep, saying she was booking a skydive and did i want to go. Said i might as well but then found out that we were going to be doing it at 3:00! It was good in a way as i did not have much time to worry about it and it did not really sink in til i was 12,000 feet up with the doors of the plane open and me sitting on the ledge. It was a tandem dive and i was doing with this guy who had like 10,500 jumps under his belt so i was not really worried about that. I was not really worried about anything going wrong to be honest, i mean even if everything went right it would still be terrifying. The scariest bit was the first few seconds after leaving the plan, just dropping and dropping and dropping til you reached terminal velocity. I will admit i roared like a baby. after that it was all good, dont really remember much of it to be honest. I paid an extortionist amount to get a DVD and photos so i will put them up after i get them tomorrow.

1 comment:

robryan22 said...

its worth it for the dvd,when u come back home,everyone will want to see it.
12,000 feet....man that brings me back...im slowly reliving my summer there throuh you.
You better go eat a Fergberger,you found that place yet?