Monday, January 16, 2006

A Withered Horse runs among us

Yip i do be sick and i aint the only one. This post may be a bit out of date cuz the worst has passed but between Eoin's pneumonia, Liams strang rash/throat infection combo, joans racking cough and my feeling like poo i think Mr Pestilence has been having a jolly good time. I personally blame my parents for making me eat meat, i never got sick when i stuck to the potatoes, joan dropping us in the wilderness and making us walk home probably did not help either. I have been chugging the cough syrup like water but i can nae seem to shake it, i hate being sick and i really really want to get better soon.

My exams are ongoing but i have not really been doing anything. I do have one on wednesday but i have yet to start it. I am enjoying myself not studying though, i dont regret not doing more. I will be glad when they are over though, then its straight onto the FYP, i am trying not to think about that one. I am so dedicated to the stufy that i even went to Dolans last night with Liam, Steve and Chris. Twas a good night until my contact lens fell out and that really pissed me off. Perhaps it is because i am wearing them so much more these days but i just cannot stand being blind any more, I dont know how people who have the same eye-sight as me can go through the day not wearing glasses. I just cant function without them, you have not a clue what is happening around you and since you cant see a persons lips, face or gestures properly i find it harder to follow conversations and shit as well. Anyway after that happened and we came back from town i just went home and skipped the after-party party. Not that it helped though, i woke up today with a horrible hangover and i only had a few pints and one vodka shot. uhhh i cant wait for all this exam, essay shit to be over.

I am still hopefully going snow-boarding after the exams. I dont know exactly when but hopefully that will be organised. I have been talking to a few people and the best thing seems to just get cheap flight somewhere and get accomodation and then rent the boards and the ski passes once you get over there. I will have steve look into it cuz he is my bitch. At the minute it is myself, steve Dave horan, kev and one of steves friends going and hopefully that will not change much. Kev may not be able to make it cuz of something but i stern 'NO' should convince him of his loyalties.


Paul Sheehan said...
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Paul Sheehan said...

what??? you must be blinder than i thought. be quiet conal, everybody judges you and you're always found wanting. Why are you reading my blog and not studying?? This kind of behaviour is not acceptable for people working in your course. jeeesh

Zeta said...

In my defence, you were pissing me off and Childers Road is HARDLY the wilderness Pauly, you're so soft! Lesson: don't invite the wrath of the Joan.

Hope you are feeling better again soon, coughs are so annoying. My cough is miles better, I would recommend going against all the health and safety instructions and advice on the bottle and drinking as much as feels good. Cured me!

Anonymous said...

Paul in your last blog you had a picture of yourself liam and danielle. What I wanted to know is have you had a change of lifestyle since we last met?

Paul Sheehan said...

i am afraid i have conor, i got tired of waiting for you after all these years, all that time throwing hints that you kept missing so i decided to investigate what this 'woman' thing people kept talking about. its over conar....i'm sorry, i hope we can still be friends.

Laina said...

have a beauuuutiful photo of us gay clubbing in Boston. will hang on to it in case I need to blackmail you at any stage :p

Anonymous said...

Paul - you complete me!
Where are you? Are you ignoring me? Have you lost my number...yes that must be it..youve lost my number...It can't be that you don't love me anymore can it...I don't care if you have a new girlfriend! Joan and I deserve more attention!!!