Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Do you ever just get in one of those moods where you are just pissed off at the world in general for no discernable reason. I am just in what can only be described as a foul mood which only came upon me at around ten this morning for no real reason. Everything is going well enough, i moved into my new house and the house-mates are sound enough. It will be a very quite house though. I went to Joan's karoke party on Saturday instead of going to Mundy. I would not have minded seeing the Mundy fella but i had a good enough time in Joan's. It was a wee bit quite at times and i think the reasoj could be the lack of alcohol consumption going on, of the people i knew there six of them were not drinking and steve was just dabbling a bit. There was also a lot of foreigners who were not exactly the life and soul of the party. I mean it's a karoke party, the entire reason is to make a fool of yourself singing power ballads in a god-awful voice. Its not the kind of thing that many can do sober as a judge.

I suppose it ties in a bit with Liam's thing of drinking and not drinking. Believe it or not but i actually dont think it is a good thing to just give up alcohol. It should not be a feast or famine kind of thing. I think that moderation is the key, I for instance do not get drunk very often and i cannot remember the last time i got wasted. I will never drink enough to give me a hng-over, i know my limits and then i stop. If you just give up alcohol full-stop then the temptation is always there to fall off the agon and fall off it hard. Of course you have people like David Horan who is well able to have fun while sober but i think most people , myself included, can be a bit dour when sober. Just take Pa last night as a case in point.

I was at a house party there last week and for the first time i actually saw people take cocaine. Now most people know my viewpoint on drugs, that their badk m'kay. Now my beef with drugs is not that they make you stupid, annoying or addicted but rather that is is us middle-class college students who support the scoobs that we so often complain about. Paying money for that shit goes to nobody good and nothing productive comes out of it. Saying all of that though, i was very much tempted to take some. I cannot say why but those excuses seem to pale in comparision. Perhaps if i was afraid of becoming addicted it would have made more sense. I dont smoke hash or get absolutely wasted because quite simply i dont desire it but this time i did want to take some. IN the end however i did not try it and and i was pretty glad, there was absolutely nothing stopping me but my own will-power. Drugs are bad kids.

Anyway i must be off, hopefully someone will mug me so i can pound there head into the floor until i am only smearing chunks of brain off the tiles


Anonymous said...

just read your blog. if i had done that first id have made reference to it in the email i sent you but now THEEEREE'SS NO TIIIIIIIIMME. TIIIIIIMMMMEEEEEEEE FOOOOOOOORRRRRRR MEEEEEEEE. so maybe tomorrow. and there's no point in cleaning up brains, you just stand on them instead and they go squish. much cooler

Unknown said...

Paul you sound like a raging female during PMS!! "I'm angry but for no apparent reason" ??? Yes you definately have a vagina! hahaha. so now you can't complain about us poor wee helpless to our emotions females when we get in those god-awful moods ok!

and on the smash his brains into the floor note - how very sin-city, Bruce Willis vs Yellow stinky guy style

Zeta said...

ok, I am trying to examine this without prejudice, and I would say that I am very open minded and wouldn't condemn or condone those you have tried drugs. I think the way Kate Moss was treated by the media was appalling, I do - and that Tory fellow who may or may not have done Class A drugs in university - I think that's inconsequential to whether he'd be a strong party leader or not, but personally I would hope I would never do drugs and I'd be very concerned and upset if my friends of family got involved.

Personally speaking I know I have an extremely addictive personality, which is why I won't smoke or touch other drugs. Alchohol is bad enough. Also, I think if you're in a bad/good mood generally drinking alchohol is not going to change that. Alchohol and drugs only numb your feelings.

As for drugs and curiousity, I get what you mean Sin, but make no mistake drugs are harmful, if not in the short term, studies have proven that taking drugs have profound long term effects regarding susceptibility to mental illness. You know I'm curious to what jumping from the window beside me would be like, but I'm not going to do it, because I know it would be both reckless and would hurt me. Plus it's stupid.

There are tonnes of things in life that give me natural highs, like spotting that hunk in the library and for the moment I'm gonna stick to au natural! It just makes me feel sad to think that people have to resort to artificial stimulants when they think they are missing something inside or missing out on something.

Anonymous said...

Seriously whats the big attraction of taking drugs i dont get it? like you saw people inhaling powder through their noses, what seemed cool about that? did they seem cooler to you after they did it? i mean im happy enough with alcohol, it kinda gives an excuse to do stupid stuff and i have fun enough without drugs i dont see why i need em. I've got nothing against drugs if they're safe they should be legalised so that scum cant profit. if alcohol and cigarettes are i dont see why not, how many people die a year as a result of em? i dunno but im sure its many.

rrrrrrrrrrr angry paul, if i was there i'd pull your nipples to calm you down and tantalise you