Monday, October 03, 2005

Home Sweet Home.....?

So i have been home for two days now, or perhaps it was three, i am still uber disorientated. I went my longest ever without sleep when i came home. I did not sleep on the plane, even though i thook two of my drowsy pills, and i stayed awake until 7 o clock that evening so i gather it was around 30 hours without sleep. Since i usually get tired after being awake for around 10 hours i was pretty ,uch off my head delirious, i had to just keep talking or i felt i would collapse. At one stage during the afternoon i went to the bathroom and felt the floor moving under me like i was in a boat or a bus. I slept for two hours and then went out, I only stayed out for an hour and a half and then came home cuz i felt like shit. I got to meet a few people so that was good but i was just not in the mood for stuff.

I have enjoyed coming home and seeing people, i spent a lot of ths weekend with good old steve and Laura (i think, i cant remember much of saturday) and i saw Liam and Pa for a wee bit. I also spent a bit of time with the family and with our new kitten. I am looking forward to seeing people at college as well. Truth be told though, apart from seeing the people i have not seen in three months i do not feel that enthusiastic about being back. Perhaps it is reverse culture-shock but i just dont want to be back here, not in clonlara, not in UL or not in LImerick. Perhaps it will pass in time but i just want to be out of the country again doing my own thing. Perhaps it is the fact that i spent the last three and a half months doing my own stuff that it seems a bit clusterphobic to be back i my house surrounded with my family in crappy weather. I like to thik that i have changed over the summer and there are certain ruts and situations i just do not want to be getting back into.

Of course since i have came back most of my day to day experience will be with ye guys so this blog is going to have to become less of a bitch-fest and perhaps more of a commentary thing like Joans. Dont expect as many updates either, it will mostly be mundane irish college things and as brilliant as i am i can only come up with cutting socially analitical discussion every so often. Also forgive the really bad spelling this post. It is nearly half three, while my body is screaming sleep my brain is saying "But its only half ten!!" oir maybe it is the other way around, either way they are not letting me sleep.

1 comment:

Zeta said...

don't bitch at me for not blogging and then not blog!!! Where are all my bloggers gone and why can't I get on to Mandy's anymore!!!