Thursday, February 28, 2008
Iguazu falls
We are going again tomorrow and doing the argentinian side which is much larger and will involve several hours of walking, should be a good laugh. Came home on my own tonight cuz the girls are staying in a restaurant having a few drinks, feeling a bit New Zealand home-sick.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires is really nice so far, we have learned to only go to hostels that have air-conditioning. Its a really sweet city and feels very safe. We have learnt our lesson in that regard though, i no longer carry around my backpack so my sum possessions around town are my suncream, a map and around 20-25 euros worth of money. Not carrying anything worth stealing actually means you worry so much less, which is good. Like i said Buenos Aires is pretty sweet, you could spend ages here and the girls actually are spending all day today in town shopping as the sales are on. Its ridiculous really, there is a Christian Dior shop with fancy waistcoats going for 40 euros or leather jackets going for 30. Yesterday we went for a 3 course steak meal that came to a grand total of 12 euros. Of course then you have things that are imported that cost the exact same as home and sometimes are even more expensive, books and electronics being a case in point. I can actually see our stay here expanding past the alloted 4 days. Think i wil buy present for a lot of ye cretins here and then ship them home tobe opened when i get back.
I have been having really weird dreams lately, just plain old dreams of home that are actually very depressing. In one i was after arriving home and met a few of ye except that ye had gotten fat and old and could only talk for a few minutes before having to get back to yer desks, then was walking around town to meet the parents and go home and i was so cold and depressed cuz i was never going to see my New Zealand friends again. There was another one last night when i was walking down William Street with Liam and we were pretty much just arguing about money and loans and shit, again i was just home and really cold. I suppose its just a kind of immaturity on my part about not wanting to actually face the real world once i get back. One thing i am noticing about travelling around with Kelly and Cathy is that I am forgetting New Zealand more and more. Its an odd thing really, they will be talking about some musician or event that happened in Limerick and i was wondering why i had never heard of it, before realising that i have not been in the country for nearly 10 months. pity that
In other news Cathy has her flickr account up and running, its It has similiar but different pictures than Kelly.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I Aint Dead....although i wished i was
The story begins back in New Zealand. Paul has gotten a loan and it is in his current account. Since he has not used his irish current account in around 6 months he has forgotten his PIN number and has cleverly requested that Bank of Ireland send his PIN home where the parents will email to him straight away. In the mean time he transfered enough funds to his credit card to get him through the week. And an expensive week it was, backpacks, malaria tablets, stuff for my medkit and miscellanious necessary stuff. But on Wednesday i said goodbye to Derek&Fiona`s apartment, mystal their dog and headed off to the airport. I had checked my bags in and went to pay the ridiculous `departure tax´that they foist you with. I was also going to get some $US to keep me going in CHile til my PIN arrives. SO i go to the money place
$100US and i`ll pay the departure tax please.
Credit Card Declined
Haha, just $50 dollars and the departure tax then.
Credit Card Declined
Hmmm, just the departure tax then
Credit Card Declined
Did not have a fucking clue what to do at this stage as i had absolutely no cash on me and was already cutting it tight with the plane. After standing around thinking of any alternatives in the end i had to call Fiona in the city and ask her to leave work and come in and pay for me, which sucked major bum for all involved, I paid the departure tax and ran up the stairs and got into the queue for security while i hear that my flight has stated boarding. I eventually get true, grab a packet of M&M´s from the shop and get to the plane just as they were going to call my name. Cue the most stresful flight of my life as i just sat or lay there for 10 hours wondering what on earth i was going to do when i landed in Chile not knowing anyone, not having any spanish, and not having any money to to get a place to stay or even to get transport to the city. By the time we were approaching the mainland i kind of knew what i had to do. There was an Irish couple sitting a few seats ahead of me and although it was the most mortifying moment of my life, i went up to them and told them my dilemma and asked could they help me out by paying for my hostel for a night. They very kindly agreed and i got a taxi into the city with them and stayed at a lovely hostel called EcoHostel. I sent a pretty frantic email to a few people asking where Cathy was as i needed her to arrive the next day or else the Irish couple would be leaving and i would not have gotten a chance to pay them back, or leech off them more. Luckily a few hours after a crashed into bed, a 14 hour time difference between NZ and SA and a ten hour flight with no sleep will help you do that, i was brutally awoken by Cathy jumping on my bed so that story ended pretty well. I got money opff her, paid back the irish couple and then my PIN number was sent over, huzzah.
So for those not in the know, Cathy is a friend of mine from Ireland who decided to come over and do the South American leg of the trip with me and her friend Kellie-Ann also came with her, so know there is three of us travelling. It is a bit weird travelling with other people and actualy having to take their opinions into account, you become a very selfish traveller when you are on your own, you can come and go whenever and wherever you please, it takes a bit of adjustment taking other people opinion into account and having to do things that you dont want to 100% do, because the group does. The plus point is, well one of them, is tht both Cathy and Kellie-Ann are professional photographers and now i dont have ot take a single photo for the rest of the trip, even if we do stop every 2 minutes to snap a tree or piece of graffetti. Kellie-ann has a site where she is putting all her photos and Cathy will be wsetting hers up soon. You dont have to join or anything so tis good for all yous who cant see my bebo ones.
We left Santiago after a few days and arrived in Mendoza, Argentina on Monday, will be here for a day or two yet i say. I am going to hve to get better at the old travel writing, have seen the blog of another couple that i met and its very good, not just boring listing `what they did today´so i will try that in future. Hasta Loega for now
Monday, February 04, 2008
An End of an Era
So tomorrow is going to be my last day of my New Zealand holiday, I am actually flying out on Wednesday but early enough and that will all be spent in the airport. Over the last few days I have found myself just sitting around staring into space and replaying the last 9 months over and over in my mind and what can I say? They were a blast.
I remember arriving in Queenstown, wondering around lost and jet-lagged for a week, heading to Dunedin and my first night in Central Backpackers and then all the class times I had there, my first road trip, making castles out of beer cans in the sitting room, playing WoW for hours in the internet cafe, heading back to Queenstown with my board and going snowboarding for the first time, changing hostels every week and meeting so many random people, doing a skydive, running out of money and having to work 60 hour weeks but then road trips on the weekend with group I was hanging with, hitch-hiking to Nelson, Doing the Abel Tasman walk and camping out for the first time, hanging around in Wellington bored before heading to Napier, all the great times in Napier working and playing, 15 of us sleeping under the stars on a beach, drinking and talking shit on the steps of The Warehouse, lazy afternoons in the courtyard and hard days talking shit for hours in the orchards, a crazy Christmas dinner for 38 under the hot sun, going back to Wellington for New Years, getting pissed most nights with 15 Germans, the shitty goodbyes when they all left for the South Island, then the road-trip up here to Auckland.
I can’t believe it has been nine months, feels like more than a year; Queenstown seems a life-time ago. I have met, befriended and said goodbye to so many people in that time as well. Some of them I can barely remember but there were so many that I would consider friends; Denise, Richard, Blair, Shane, Joelle, Angus, Nick, Rachel, Bev, Lucy, Andy, Stein, Lucille, Sylvania, Josh, Jo, Emmerson, Natalie, Marco, Jim, Jen, Mirna, Neil, Lucy, Ruth, Flo, Kirsty, Gerrit, Dave, Hila, Sue, Miyuki, Alex, Corey, Elle, Lina, Lisa. All people who I still feel sad about having to say goodbye to.
I suppose I should talk about what I have learnt from my time here in
If I were to do the trip all over again there are some things I would do differently but all in all I am happy with how it went, less time in Queenstown would be good, as would more in
The time off has given me lots of time to catch up on my internet and organise this trip to