So i have not been blogging that much recently and the major reason is that i have just not been bothered. Most of the people who read my blog have their own, so they know the reticence that seems to fall over you when you sit down in front of this screen. There has actually been many a time over the last few months when i load up this 'Post new blog' screen, stare at it for a while then go off to look at the World of Warcraft forums. Still we have succeeded in increasing our number and converted Steve '12inchesaround' and Pa 'devilsoldhissoul' to our congretation, which is good and well. Now we get to sample the twisted Malkavian nether regions of Pa's psyche and Steve egotistical self-indulgent rants. Over the summer i am sure that our absent friends, ie Joan and Liam will get off their heinies and actually let us know what is happening in their lives, as probably living with them wont be enough
I have just finished my last essay for University today and have been forced to accompany my missus to the conputer lab so she can type some crazy post-grad thing so i said i will catch up on my blogging. In the last three weeks i have written the equivelant of a second FYP in essays. The one i handed in today was for a really difficult politics class i have but it was actually very interesting when i started getting into the books. Call me a nerd but i enjoyed reading John Locke's Letter on Tolerance and Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary. I have spent so much time over the last few weeks writing and editing my essays that i am unable to stop going back over what i write and checking does it make sense, flow right, and sound okay, hence this being probably one of the most grammatically correct, well spelt posts i have ever done. While the sociology essay was predictably shite and boring, the two political papers i wrote were very interesting. The one i did on Security actually made me think that i would like to pursue it in a post-grad, i am sure i saw a Security Studies post-grad somewhere. The one i did on classical writers made me want to get more of their stuff and read it on my own time, i could actually understand it and thought a lot of it was applicable and relevernt today.
To counter-balance this new nerdy trend i have been captivated by the new Big Brother. I know that it is heavily edited and filled with weirdos but i just love to sit and watch them all acting out. Its something that is fun to do in real life but for some reason people dont like you staring at them for hours on end in public. I like to think of it as a sociological experiment. We will se how they play out over the summer.
So i am off to Fanore for the weekend for some rest and relaxation. That frickin last essay really took a lot out of me. Myself and Kerrin are heading down till Monday. A weekend of rest and recuperation should be great fun, plus the Eurovision is on tomorrow night and i am bringing my lap-top so i can play Civ 4. It is looking like a good weekend.
30B430: Make and bury a time capsule
10 years ago